Greetings from the great outdoors. For the past seven and a half years my life has taken alot of great turns. I became part of a group to open a wonderful little spot in Solana Beach, CA known as Pillbox Tavern. It was something that i had been looking to do, be a part of a group that would see my vision in the kitchen and let me do my thing, and they did just that. Thanks to all the wonderful guest that i have met and have become a part of the pillbox family. After 4 yrs of running pillbox as thier executive chef we had a chance to expand and open another bar and grill, and as excited as i was i knew it would be a challenge and i was glad to take it. As it has turned out it was more than any of us knew it would be, so sometimes life takes you in directions to make you think of where you are supposed to be.
Being a Chef, a Woman Chef has been a challenge in itself. I have faced discrimination not only by male chefs and owners, questioning my ability, and skill set, down to the money that i was making. In my 25 yrs of cooking i have seen it all and heard it all in the kitchen, but these last two years have been really hard on my mind body and soul. I went from creating a menu, running a kitchen, being a manager, handling guest, and employees at a level that i knew i could do, but then to have someone come in and say that i failed at something that was out of my control was gut wrenching. When you put your heart and soul, blood, sweat and tears in a project to not only be pushed out, and asked to stay only to be demoted and your skill set not needed, it hurts and makes you wonder what you did to deserve something like this. Well im not going to dwell on the past because i have some wonderful friends, people who i feel genuinely care about me and my skill set, and what i offer and bring to a table, so i have taken this time to reset.
Best place to do this is in the back country, where no one can touch you and you are left with your thoughts and ideas, and questions asking yourself what do you want to do when you grow up! You have been making so many others money with your talents, and your generosity that why not do something for yourself at this point in your life. So as i figure out this master plan of mine i hope that you will all keep me in your prayers and send good vibes my way so that i can finally find my way to what God has got in store for me. I know you all love my food so i am hoping that in the near future i will have something of my own to call my own to bring to you again.
lots of love to all my guest and fans #chefshellyspecials #pillboxtavern #MissChefShelly ShellyShackSauces
Please continue to follow me on my pages, Facebook, Instagram, and you can order sauces through my newly built webpage at
